"Some Things" from the Week (1.22.17)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

It is Tuesday, and I am technically well into the week of January 29. Yes, I am late with this post, and you know what? It is okay. This means that I actually met the goal that I set for myself last week for what I wanted to do: enjoy the week with my family and not worry about my "to do" list. Check. I did it. And what a wonderful week it was.

My "some things" from last week will be pretty short and sweet.

1. Something I did this week...

I celebrated my husband's birthday 38th birthday and my daughter's 2nd birthday. It was a very special week. We ended the week with a birthday party, which included 14 children under the age of 9 (the majority were under the age of 5). Yes, were very brave. But it was fun, and she had a ball. More on this to come.

2. Something I learned...

It's okay to put the "to do" list down sometimes. I didn't stress about getting my run in or getting all of the writing done that I hoped. I continued to write in my journal and even made it to another 6am yoga class, and that was enough. I had a lot going on, and I accepted that it was a busy week. I didn't want to risk letting such a special week from getting away from me. Instead, I chose to enjoy it.

3. Something I am reading...

I started reading How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & How to Listen So Kids Will Talk. I haven't gotten very far. I want to read it the "right way" by taking the time to answer the questions honestly and complete all the exercises. So far (although I am not very far), I love it. Stay tuned...I am sure, I will share more.

4. Something I want to read...

168 Hours. This book has been on my reading list for about a year now, and I have not yet even gotten around to buying it, let alone reading it. Time management is something that I have always needed help with so that I have more time to do the things that I really love like play with my daughter, hike with my husband, write, and read. One of the tasks in this book leads me to...

5. Something I want to try....

In this book, the reader is encouraged to write down everything you do from the time you wake up until you go to sleep so that you can see how you are really spending your time. I think this might be really eye opening for me. Am I really as productive and busy as I think am? I hope to have the answer soon.

6. Something I love...

Zootopia. I know this may sound like a weird thing to write about, but it has been on my mind because it was the theme of our birthday party. I also think that given the climate in this country at the moment, there is a lot that one can learn from this movie. Perhaps everyone in this country should watch this movie right now. Seriously. Just a thought...

7. Something I want to do this week...

I want to have a date with myself. I know, that sounds strange. But as I shared in my last post, I am reading The Artist's Way, and one of the exercises the author recommends is to take the time to spend time with yourself. This could be a walk or shopping trip or anything you want. I guess my 6am yoga class sort of counts because I did do this by myself. But what I would really like to do, is go to my favorite coffee shop with my books, my journal, and my computer and just write and read and write some more. I want to get lost in my thoughts and get my thoughts down on paper. I want to lose track of time and just immerse myself in myself. I am curious about what I will learn...




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