Happy Saturday!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's the weekend...Happy Weekend!

I started my Saturday by waking up to my 5:45am alarm. Lately, I have been enjoying early morning hours to have time time to myself. I am really trying hard to make this my new thing. So far, I have not been waking up at 5am like I aimed for in My Happiness Project, but I am getting up earlier than I was before, so that is a step in the right direction.  Of course, my little one also decided to wake up, which figures because I actually woke up when my alarm went off for once. Yes, I am the person in this house who sleeps through every alarm, and so my alarm just rings and rings and rings. And yes, I know, I am a terrible and awful person for this reason.

Yesterday, my little one and I kicked off the weekend by shopping for valentines. This is the first year we are giving valentines, but I thought it would be fun. Some day, I think it would be fun to make our own, but for now we are just doing store bought. I am trying to set boundaries for myself when it comes to things I can reasonably take on, and right now making our own valentines is just too much for me.

We decided on the valentines in the picture above - although to be fair, my little one threw every valentine pack that I showed her onto the floor. Quite frankly, I don't really blame her...I was very disappointed in Target's selection. What's the deal...are they sold out already? We are still 10 days away from Valentine's Day, and I thought this made me ahead of the game. Of course, I am sure there are many moms out there who had their valentines purchased (or probably hand crafted) by the first of January. We start seeing Valentine's Day items for sale the day after Christmas now, right? I probably haven't learned about the REAL places I should look for valentines. Shopping at Target for valentines is probably only what us amateurs do. I am sure there are amazingly adorable ones on Etsy that are works of art, but I need a break from Etsy after our big birthday bash. Which reminds me, I still need to share the details of our celebration.

Yesterday evening I shared an impromptu glass of Cava with my dear friend and neighbor (yes, it was this yummy Cava again, which I wrote about in Some Things). Have I mentioned lately how awesome it is to have neighbors who are also your very good friends? This is totally new to me, and what a wonderful joy this is in my life! I have a wine buddy who lives right across the street. Snow storms will never stop me from hanging out with friends ever again!

This weekend we have some fun things planned. This morning, we are going to try to drive to a farm. This farm has a little market and cafe where we can buy some yummy treats. The drive is beautiful, which is our main reason for going, but we are also going for the coffee and donuts. Saturday morning donuts has turned into our weekly ritual.

This afternoon, we have a first birthday party for a dear friend's little girl. We are on a birthday party streak right now! Oh what party animals we all are...

Tomorrow, we are supposed to have a couple of friends over for a mini-birthday celebration for our birthday girl. Why stop the partying now? Let's keep this rolling! We haven't seen these friends since Christmas, so they haven't seen our newly 2-year-old.

Tomorrow evening, we also have a Super Bowl get-together with friends. Another neighborhood gathering! If we did not move to this neighborhood, I would have the most boring social life. Seriously, thank goodness for amazing neighbors.

Somewhere in between these activities, I hope to go for a run and to get some writing done. But my most important goal for the weekend is to ENJOY this time with my family and to be CURIOUS about the adventures each day will bring.

Have a beautiful weekend!




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