What is This?

Friday, January 6, 2017

I tried to define this blog in my first post. However, I think it is a good idea to revisit this before moving forward. This is more for me than it is for you. I need to give myself a little direction here...some kind of an identity...and then let this all play out the way that it was meant to be. (That's my attempt at being curious here.)
If I had to fit this blog into a category, it is most definitely a lifestyle blog. How do I know this? Well, I don't have a talent or hobby to focus on here. I can't cook. I'm not much of a decorator or a crafter. I am not a photographer. I'm not very organized (in fact, the exact opposite would describe me). I'm not the best at cleaning house, and I'm not very good with money. (Aren't I a treat?) I don't really have a craft, period. That makes me feel sad (and sort of like a loser) to admit that. I wish writing was my craft...and I guess it sort of is...but it is definitely not a recognized craft. I only really write for me, and I guess that is okay. 

Outside of writing, what is my hobby? Well, reading has always been a love of mine. I know. Cue the eye rolling, please. Someone blogging who loves to read and write is SO original. But it's true. I used to be a big runner and yogi pre-baby. My baby is now turning two, so I don't think I can really call myself a runner or a yogi at the moment. But, I am hoping to get back into both of those things very soon. Any day now, it's going to happen. I can feel it. I just have to rid my house of all these leftover Christmas cookies first. Throw them out, you say? Well that is just plain wasteful! I will eat Christmas cookies every day until they are gone! This is my duty! Then I will exercise. It's a sacrifice someone has to make. What can I say? I like to be helpful. 

Okay, okay. I need to focus. Back to this. What is this? I think I actually summed it up pretty well in my first post. This is a lifestyle blog about a thirty-something (six...I am 36...for 7 more days) trying to figure out her life. This 36 (almost 37) year-old woman is a mom and has a husband and a job and is trying to figure out a way to balance all of life's "must do's" with some fun.

By starting this blog, this gives me something to do for me. This gives me a reason to read and write about things that I really enjoy. It may even inspire me to try something new like a recipe or a decorating tip or a neat trick to save time or money or a strategy to clean or organize my house or even something as small as reading a new book. I know, I know, this does not sound very exciting, but these are things that I enjoy reading about, so I think I would enjoy writing about them too. Most of all, I just really want to learn. I want to learn new things, and most importantly, I want to learn new things about me. I am pretty big on introspection, and I think this will help me with that.

I was very late to the blogging world. I started following a handful of blogs regularly about 4 years ago, and I have added many more to my reading list since then. I really enjoy reading about the lives and talents of so many people. Reading about other people's experiences, suggestions, and perspectives is pretty fascinating to me. These blogs definitely inspired me to start a blog of my own, and while there are many more than just the few I am going to mention, here are some of my favorites (these are in no particular order, by the way):

These are all very different blogs, but I love them all for very different reasons. I love that Joanna Goddard, author of Cup of Jo, includes so many different things on her blog from parenting to books to travel to decorating to cooking to culture and pop culture and just about anything interesting. I learn so many new and intriguing things on this blog. I love that Modern Mrs. Darcy gives me great ideas on books that I want to read. I love getting inspiration for adding personal touches and organization to my home from The Sunny Side Up Blog. I love having a good laugh when I read The Bloggess, and yet Jenny Lawson also adds genuine sentiment when it comes to serious issues like mental health. I learn a lot here as well. I love reading about strategies and tips for finding happiness from Gretchin Rubin in The Happiness Project (both the book and the blog). She offers awesome suggestions for getting organized and utilizing your own strengths. The Happiness Project and Better Than Before are two of my favorite books. I am actually revisiting The Happiness Project (the perfect read for a new year!), and I am just starting Happier At Home. I also plan to read Better Than Before again (another excellent choice for a fresh start in a new year!). 

So, there you go. This is another lifestyle blog. Some posts may include parenting topics because that is such an important part of my life, but this blog is not meant to be a dedicated "Mommy blog."  Being a mom is a huge part of me (actually, it's my favorite part of me), so parenting will come up in my writing, but it is my hope to talk about a lot of things here. Think of Curiously, Beth as a less (okay, WAY less) sophisticated version of A Cup of Jo. I would love to tackle many things here. I hope to include some posts on books like Modern Mrs. Darcy, and maybe even some home decorating ideas like The Sunny Side Up Blog (although again, my posts will be the way less sophisticated version). I would also love to discuss organization ideas from The Happiness Project as well as from other books and blogs that inspire me. I think it could be interesting to read about organization from the perspective of someone who is naturally messy and unorganized. I hope to sprinkle some humor in my writing. No one does this better than The Bloggess, and I am not even going to pretend that I might ever be even half as funny as she is, but I believe laughter is important and not being so serious all the time is one of the keys - correction - one of MY keys to happiness. Living curiously and laughing more are two things that I need in my life. 

So, there you have it. That's what this is. Now, it is time for me to stop talking about what this is and to just get started already.



                                                                                 P.S. You can see some of the books that I am      
                                                                                 currently reading in my photo. I am reading 
                                                                                 several of these books for the second or third time. 
                                                                                 More to come on these awesome reads...


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