"Some Things" from the Week (1.15.17)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

It is Sunday, and I think this is going to be my official day for writing "some things" from the week. After all, Saturday is still part of the week, and it just seems that Sundays lend itself to writing more  for me than Saturdays. Here are my "some things" for the week of January 15, 2017...

1. Something I love...

Etsy.  As I plan my daughter's birthday party, I rediscovered why Etsy is so awesome. Of course, my bank account may not agree. I just love that there are so many people living a creative life and sharing their work with others. Kudos to you all!

2. Something I did this week...

I finally did it! I went to 6am yoga. I haven't made it to 6am yoga in almost a year. It felt wonderful. Of course, as soon as I got home, I ate a donut. But that's okay...I earned it.

3. Something I learned...

I finally figured out how to get the "Read More" button to show up on my blog. Yes, all you have to do is click that button that looks like two pages torn in half (at least that's what it looks like on Blogger). And yes, it took me a few weeks to figure that out. No judgment, please.

4. Something I want to learn...

Now, I need to learn how to get the "Read More" link to show up on Bloglovin'. Why doesn't it automatically transfer, anyway?

5. Something I am reading...

I mentioned this in passing in a previous post, but I am reading The Artist's Way. This is another book that I started last year, and I am back to it. The book includes a 12-week course, which I never started last year. I read the intro, which is how I knew about Morning Pages (which I also mentioned in that same post), but I never started the course. Today I started it. Week 1 requires you to complete exercises that help you to identify what made you block your creativity in the first place. Stay tuned as I try to connect with my creative self...

6. Something I want to read...

I realize my reading list keeps growing, but that's a good thing, I think. It's good to have goals, right? I recently read about the book Present over Perfect on Nesting Place, and it immediately sounded like a book that I should read. As a recovering perfectionist, desiring perfection often stops me from trying something because it seems impossible, leads me to quit something because it's just too hard, or creates so much  stress and pressure that I lose sight of the true purpose behind what I am doing. I suck the fun out of so many things I do. This book sounds like something my soul could use.

7. Something I purchased...

Last week I ordered, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & How to Listen So Kids Will Talk. It arrived yesterday. I read the introduction, and I am hooked...I am so excited to start it! I hope to read enough to write more about it in next week's "Some things." It's perfectly fine to be reading four books at one time, right?

8. Something I want to do this week...

Although there are things that I listed in my January list for My Happiness Project that I have not yet gotten to, I want to spend this week enjoying the time with my family. This is a big birthday week for us - both my husband and daughter celebrate birthdays, and I want to enjoy these days with them. My list can always wait, but these two, well they deserve my full attention.

I am looking forward to this special week, and I am curious about what the week will bring...




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